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Spectrum Access System (SAS) FAQ
Updated this week

What is SAS?

A Spectrum Access System (SAS) is a piece of the CBRS ecosystem that manages interference for CBRS radios, both between each other, and between CBRS radios and incumbent users e.g. the Department of Defense.

Why does the SAS have fees?

The FCC regulations for CBRS require every radio be managed by a SAS and lets the SAS providers charge fees for the service.

Why do I have to pay SAS fees now even though I never have before?

Many CBRS radios on the Helium Network were bundled 1 year of SAS fees pre-bundled in the price. For the vast majority of the radios, 1 year has expired a long time ago.

Nova Labs has continued covering SAS fees for all CBRS radios on the Helium Mobile Network, but after consideration we are terminating our policy of subsidizing SAS fees.

How can I pay for SAS fees?

You can set up monthly or annual payments for SAS fees in the Helium Mobile Hotspot Dashboard. All billing cycles take place on the 1st day of the month.

Notice: SAS fee's are not pro-rated. This does mean that if you pay mid way through the month, you will only be covering the remaining days in that month.

We recommend processing or setting up payments at the beggining of a month to take full advantage of the paid time.

What happens if I choose not to pay SAS fees?

SAS fees are required for CBRS radios to be online. Starting May 1 2024 radios will be taken off air and will not earn POC or data rewards if a SAS payment is not received.

I don’t like your SAS fees, can I use my own SAS account?

We do not support entering your own SAS account. SAS fees must be paid through the Helium Mobile Hotspot Dashboard.

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