This guide will take you through the process of setting up your Helium Mobile Hotspot Indoor. Please follow the setup steps carefully and report any problems to our support team.
It is highly recommended that you open this guide on a computer or tablet or print it out instead of following it on the smartphone that will be used to run the app and register the Helium Mobile Hotspot.
Initial Setup
For the setup process, place the Helium Mobile Hotspot near your router and set it up where it’s easily accessible. This validates that things are working before the Hotspot is mounted to its permanent location, which may be difficult to access.
Mounting tips and instructions will be covered in Step 9.
Setup Requirements
iPhone with iOS 14.0 and up, or Android smartphone with Android 11 and up
Wired Broadband Connection
Step 1. Unbox the Helium Mobile Hotspot
Connect Ethernet cord:
Attach one end to a LAN port on your router.
Attach the other end to the Helium Mobile Hotspot Ethernet port closest to the Power connector. Note: the other network port is covered and should not be used.
Connect the power cord to the power port.
Step 2. Firmware Update
Your Helium Mobile Hotspot will need the latest firmware update before you set it up.
This process is automatic, and will take about 3 minutes. During onboarding the LEDs in front of the Hotspot will cycle. You can tell that the firmware update is complete if the 4 lights on the Hotspot are solid/flashing and stay that way.
Step 3. Download and install the Helium Mobile Builder App
Download Helium Mobile Builder App
Android: Download Helium Mobile Builder
iOS: Download Helium Mobile Builder
Step 4. Log in to Helium Mobile Builder App
Click Begin to login or sign up for Helium Mobile account.
If you are a subscriber to the Helium Mobile cellular service, you already have Helium Mobile account and can use it to sign in to the Builder app.
If you’re new to Helium Mobile ecosystem, please create Helium Mobile account. In addition to Builder app, it provides seamless access to various builder tools like Helium Mobile Hotspots Dashboard and Helium Mobile Coverage Planner.
Alternatively, you can login with Helium Wallet. This option is more suitable for advanced users, and we generally recommend using Helium Mobile account instead.
Step 5. Set your Hotspot's location
When prompted, allow the Helium Mobile Builder App to use your phone’s location to determine location of the Hotspot.
Once location is determined, you will be able to edit it or chose the location reported by your phone to proceed to the next step.
Step 6. Connect to the Hotspot
Please make sure you have Wi-Fi enabled on your phone before proceeding.
When prompted, allow the Helium Mobile Builder App to use the camera and scan the QR code on the box or back of the Hotspot.
Alternatively, you can enter the Hotspot’s network credentials manually, located on the QR code sticker. The network name and password are only necessary during this onboarding process.
If you are unable to connect to the Hotspot’s network, please make sure your phone is in the direct line of sight of the Hotspot.
Step 7. Register the Hotspot
Verify that information about your Hotspot is correct before proceeding to the final registration step.
Registration process can take up to 10 minutes.
Step 8. View your Helium Mobile Hotspot
See all your Hotspots in the Fleet tab. Your newly deployed Hotspot will be indicated with a blue dot.
Note: It can take up to 10 minutes for your new Hotspot to appear in the list.
It can take up to 48 hours for the Hotspot to start earning MOBILE rewards and appear on the Helium Mobile Coverage Planner.
Step 9. Mounting the Hotspot
Now that your Hotspot is fully set up and configured, find a place where it can provide the best coverage. Here are some tips and best practices:
Face Users
Use the Mount
Need to mount on a flat surface? Use the included mount to allow you to direct your signal towards its users.
Step 10. Testing Connectivity
Helium Mobile cellular service subscribers with the Dynamic Coverage certificate can connect to the Helium Mobile Hotspot when in range.
Please allow at least three minutes after successful Hotspot registration for the device to be ready to start broadcasting the “Helium” Wi-Fi network.
Disconnect and disable auto join to any Wi-Fi network in the same area.
Do not use password provided on the box or back of the Hotspot to connect to Helium network. It should be used only during the Hotspot onboarding.
Your phone should automatically join the Helium network. If this doesn’t happen automatically, please reinstall Helium Mobile app.