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My hotspot is not witnessing.
Updated over 7 months ago

There are many reasons why a hotspot may not have any witnesses. We shall detail a few below;

  • Your hotspot is not synced to the latest block on the blockchain. Your hotspot will only witness beacons once it has synced with the blockchain.

  • You may not have any neighboring hotspots that are close enough for your hotspot to “hear” their beacon, or there may be an obstruction between your hotspot and the beaconing hotspot, blocking the radio signal. Try increasing the elevation of your antenna. If your antenna is inside, try to have one installed outside. Some types of windows have a coating that can have a detrimental effect on radio signals.

  • There may be a fault with your antenna or cabling connection. Please check that all connectors are screwed on securely and that any connection points are correctly “sexed.”

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